
Just recently there have been frequent postings of “why do they hate us?” referencing the hatred exhibited by racially challenged whites against blacks.  Why do they hate us….we worked for free, nursed their children, cooked their food, shared their crops, etc.

Hate, may be the wrong word, more so if it’s joined with “us.”  I don’t feel they hate “us,” they hate themselves.  They hate the fact that they know they don’t possess the strength to tarry as our genetic pool has for generations under dehumanizing conditions.  They hate themselves knowing that if equality existed, they would be on the losing end of the stick, not having the intellect and/or will power to succeed.  They hate themselves for knowing that, and their fight is to suppress that knowledge to only amongst themselves.  But we’re already aware.  They may hate the fact that we did it while they jumped from windows when the stock market crashed in 1929.  Death rather than adversity but again, they hate themselves.

There’s a thin line between love and hate.

They’re, at all cost, protecting their America, their American lifestyle and the America that has given them the ‘superiority,’ that affords protection.  An America without that gift is not an America they want to be a part of, hence the method of fight to the death and scorch the earth.  No assimilation.  They love that power and hate the thought of sharing.

Jealous is more appropriate.  Or fear, fear of the unknown.  Could they have survived the Middle Passage, the back breaking labor, the forced breeding, the terror, Jim Crow and the systemic subjugation?  They don’t believe so [is the internal hatred] and the jealousy of knowing blacks did [is what’s external].

The mind is beautiful in the way that it protects the host.  The spewing of hate and the verbal presence of its ugliness falls back into the precipice of ‘you are what you eat,’ and the plate of societal racism has America gluttonous with detestation.  The regurgitation is showing no shame under the present administration, no ‘excuse me’ and no humiliation of its stench.  When an emotion is involved, a negative one such as hate, envy, jealousy, etc., the mind pacifies the body and expels the parasitic sentiment in its most extrinsic form.  In other words, what isn’t natural has to be expelled in order for the subject to survive.  And that’s what we’re seeing now, the rise in passion, albeit negative, is the systemic racism America was built upon but if you take its creed’s word, not what its intentions are.  “All men are created equal,” the Constitution declares but, that mantra has never been manifested.

They may hate themselves for not living up to those words like an abuser’s hymn, “I hit you because I love you.”  They may hate themselves because it’s not natural to treat another human being or another class of human beings as less than.  They may hate themselves for their lack of greatness and inability to [be best].

But, they don’t hate “us.”

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